Goal of this journal

-My aims are twofold — accumulate as much weird, fresh, and interesting writing as possible, and bombard the world with the randomness of physical media.

How this will be accomplished

-As for the writing? I need your poetry and your short stories. Once I accumulate the work, I will arrange them all into a cohesive journal about the size of a dime store paperback and run off ~100 copies.

Dissemination plan

-The exact number of copies and allocation thereof will depend on how many people submit their work, and here’s why:

  • Everyone who submits will receive a copy of the final product.

  • If you are chosen for publication, you will receive two.

  • I am selecting five or six close friends in cities across the country to receive about five copies apiece that they can distribute in their respective areas.

  • Additionally, I will pick ten completely random addresses to send a copy just as a form of guerrilla marketing.

  • The rest will be left in strategic and non-strategic locations all around the Bay Area. I will slip a copy in the racks at City Lights. I will leave one in a model apartment setup in Ikea in Emeryville. I will try to pay for an Ikes sandwich with this journal. You get the idea.

-Again, the point is to scatter these hotcakes like birdseed in the hopes that their unexpected presence will get people to peck them open. I am not claiming that this is a good or particularly effective plan. But it will both get me out of the house on weekends and be a lot of fun.

My qualifications

-None. At least, mostly likely none that you don’t have if you are reading this page in search of a place to land your stuff. I have an undergraduate degree in English with a concentration in creative writing, plus a handful of publishing credits to my name. What I can promise you is diligence and a discerning eye. My true greatest strengths are as an editor and a critic. I may not be capable of coming up with earthshaking content on my own, but I can likely give you advice that will get yours to the next evolutionary level above human, and I know inspired work when it comes across my desk. Anything sent here will be given the fairest shake in the land.

What i’m looking for

-Anything and everything. It’s not like I’m some freaky creature that lacks preferences in art, but I am genuinely open to just about every genre and/or format you could put to document. You could elevate the mundane or refuse to alter it at all. Your spaceship could be completing a perilous journey or permanently moored in a metaphorical Cape Canaveral. I will say that while originality is a difficult concept, as we’re all just playing the same five tunes that have been hashed out since the start of humankind, it would be cool if I were somehow surprised by your piece. As a common sense restriction, please nothing that revels in or condones bigotry, xenophobia, ableism, the like. That should go without saying, but if you were on the fence, know I am under no circumstances going to read your unauthorized sequel to the Turner Diaries.

if this sounds like something you could rock with

-Hitch over to the Submissions page to find out about the parameters and the sweet perk package that comes with you entrusting me with your words and em dashes.